I mentioned this last week, and our latest booklet with John Muir Trust is now available.
Thanks to Juliet Robertson for providing more information here.
Supported by Scottish Natural Heritage, it encourages individuals, groups and families of all ages to look, feel, walk, explore, draw, think and even dance in wild nature wherever they find it. Watch how a frog swims, get windswept, create a mini-National Park, and stare at the stars. Missions are illustrated by Tom Morgan Jones and populated with Muir quotes.
Thanks to Juliet Robertson for providing more information here.
A partnership between the John Muir Trust and Mission:Explore, a group of teachers, artists, activists and adventurers, has created Mission:Explore - John Muir, a free e-book featuring 20 activities that reflect the adventures and ethos of the Victorian Scot. It's just great for any class project on John Muir and brings alive his character and personality.

It ties in perfectly with Year of Natural Scotland 2013 and the theme of celebrating John Muir. There’s already interest across the UK and in America. Your ebook is free to download from Mission:Explore and John Muir Award web pages, and can be used on smart phones, laptops and tablets, or printed off and used in an old-fashioned way.
"Mission:Explore and the John Muir Award have so much in common. We're both all about discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing, so making this book together made perfect sense. We had a great time making it and are sure that you'll have an even better time doing each of the quirky adventures inside. Good luck!" Daniel Raven-Ellison, Guerrilla Geographer at Mission:Explore, and Rob Bushby, John Muir Award Manager.
"These missions are great, you can really see the spark they've generated with teachers." Carol Walker, South Lanarkshire Outdoor Learning Development Officer