A few weeks ago, partly coinciding with Practical Pedagogies (see recent posts), I came across a really nice idea using emojis. For a while, we've had an emoji sheet by the classroom door where students can choose a quick feedback on what they felt about the lesson that had just finished. This post used the emojis as a resource and a stimulus for discussion during a lesson, and reflection on themes, by providing a symbol with several meanings - a simple semiotic stimulus... It was the work of Jonathan Taylor, who tweets at @HistGeoBritSec. He'd shared his ideas for megacities. Loved the session on starters & plenaries by @HistGeoBritSec #pracped16 - Great new ideas. pic.twitter.com/2UOdMTUpLV — GeographyPods (@MattPodbury) November 3, 2016 There are plenty of posts on the twitter feed, and quite a few teachers seem to have been using the idea following Jonathan's session at Practical Pedagogies. I created a bespoke set of emojis to related to the wor