Lunchtime today was spent in the company of the first in the series "Off-Kilter", made for BBC Scotland and was about Aberdeen. I liked the look of the area known as Fitty.
Towards the end, he moved on to Donald Trump and his controversial plans for a golf course in the sand dunes close to Aberdeen.
He called the planned development "New Trumpton on Sea" and talked about gated communities and their absentee residents.
He riffed on the idea of 'sustainability' and how every architect and development trumpeted its sustainable credentials.
New words like : "Sustain-abulous" and "Sustain-astic" !
Called it "architectural correctness"...
"It's a slogan of conformist unoriginality..."
"The very act of making a building is energy hungry and vastly wasteful even if the building is an eco-igloo of Fairtrade otter droppings, carbon-neutral Panda scraps, ethical vegan meat, organic yoghurt blocks, recycled slurry and and bio-degradable avocado face wipe...the only truly sustainable present is one in which we do not build..."
The show is available on iPLAYER.
The wonders of the internet !!