Simon Jones Shines a Light on the design process...

Simon Jones - creater of the Slow Geography Club and Newsletter - has spent the summer putting together a design guide for Geography Teachers: a resource and a CPD provocation to improve the quality of the visuals that we use with learners and share with each other, and produce better slide decks to communicate our thoughts, along with ideas and practical tasks to consider in departmental meetings. It's been very nicely put together with a great deal of thought, and comes recommended.

There are ideas for making best use of CANVA, which offers free educator accounts for all teachers, and free image libraries - some of which you will probably not have come across before.

The publication, which is called 'Shine a Light' is now available in two formats. 

Download a copy, get an invoice / receipt and charge it to your new year's departmental budget!

The basic version is available for a suggested minimum donation of £3.99

Product description:

‘Shine A Light!’ is full of practical advice, examples and exercises to help you improve your skills and unleash your creativity. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you'll discover new and exciting ways to make your geography content shine. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts and take your graphic design to the next level. Download your copy of 'Shine A Light – Inspirational Design for the Geography Classroom' today and get ready to wow your students and colleagues.

What you get: You get the following instantly on payment. A DRM free PDF of the latest version of ‘Shine A Light!’ to download & sync to the device of your choice. There are 108 high quality pages of really great content for you to explore.

Why a PDF & not a PPT? A PDF preserves the integrity of the design work to the highest standards. This means I can use a range of custom templates, fonts and images to create an outstanding resource for you & your classes, that otherwise would not work in PPT form. It can be used on any suitable device regardless of make.

Why adopt this Visual approach? Quite simply, Geography is the most visual subject on the planet, there is no doubt about that. So my aim is to introduce a 'Visual Literacy' to the subject & provide the best high quality resources to all the Geographers out there, to bring the subject right in to the classroom & help you transform a lesson into a powerful learning experience.

For this bonus edition you also get a second PDF with all the classroom visuals from the original version along with two high quality posters for you to display.


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