Tickets are now available on Eventbrite for the GA Conference Teachmeet at the GA Conference 2020.
They are free of charge, and you don't have to be a conference delegate to attend, so pop in for an early Friday night treat and a beer if you live near Guildford.
Thanks to David Rogers for organising the event.
TeachMeet is not about presenting a new product or theory, rather it is a chance for teachers to hear real narratives of practice from each other. It is about being engaged and inspired by our colleagues – with a bucket-load of networking to boot!
It is free to attend, networking and cash bar from 5:30pm with presentations starting at 5:45pm. An hour of turbo CPD!
Presentations are strictly limited to 6 minutes. They will be in a random order.
Sign up here to come along - this is to give us an idea of numbers. The event is open to all, not restricted to conference delegates.Several future GA Presidents have presented at previous Teachmeets.

Sign up to speak. Preference to those in the classroom, and who haven't spoken at a similar event before...
They are free of charge, and you don't have to be a conference delegate to attend, so pop in for an early Friday night treat and a beer if you live near Guildford.
Thanks to David Rogers for organising the event.
TeachMeet is not about presenting a new product or theory, rather it is a chance for teachers to hear real narratives of practice from each other. It is about being engaged and inspired by our colleagues – with a bucket-load of networking to boot!
It is free to attend, networking and cash bar from 5:30pm with presentations starting at 5:45pm. An hour of turbo CPD!
Presentations are strictly limited to 6 minutes. They will be in a random order.
Sign up here to come along - this is to give us an idea of numbers. The event is open to all, not restricted to conference delegates.Several future GA Presidents have presented at previous Teachmeets.

Sign up to speak. Preference to those in the classroom, and who haven't spoken at a similar event before...