Surrey Geography Network Meetings

For those who are in Surrey or within easy reach, Brendan Conway has shared details of what looks like a very useful series of events in the next few months, and into 2020.
As you can see, there are some excellent speakers including the 'mighty' Simon Oakes and the GA's very own Alan Kinder.

Details for booking are at the bottom of the blogpost.

Surrey Geography Network meetings 2019-20

These are designed to help you to address current issues whilst at the same time networking with other geography leaders / teachers.
The meetings will take place at Notre Dame School KT11 1HA from 1.30 to 4.30. The dates, speakers and their topics are as follows​:

Tuesday 19th November: Enabling Data Skills in the Geography Curriculum, Dr Simon Oakes - former chief examiner, author and education consultant

The session will present some excellent ideas for embedding data skills into Geography lessons. It will draw on Simon's Royal Geographical Society funded project work as well as his own wealth of experience as a chief examiner, teacher and text book writer. The session is designed to help you to develop students' confidence and their ability to use their geographical knowledge to make the most of available data.

Tuesday 10th March: Planning your Geography Curriculum, Damian Gray - Chartered Geographer and Head of Geography, Sunbury Manor School

Damian will illustrate how he has planned his department's geography curriculum to meet the requirements of Ofsted's new inspection framework which necessitates the need for subject leads to be able to justify the quality of their educational provision and lesson sequence choices.

Monday 22nd June: The new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) - What this means for Geography Curriculum Leaders, Alan Kinder - Chief Executive of the Geographical Association. 

Alan is also a Director of the Council for Subject Associations, British Council consultant and a virtual editorial board member to the SecEd educational newspaper. He is a member of the Council for British Geography and on the advisory board for the University of Sheffield's Geography’s Department.
The session will offer advice and share ideas as to how best to meet the new demands on geography subject leaders of the new EIF with specific reference made to the support provided by the Geographical Association.​

If you wish to book a place, please email Katy Gill ( who will allocate you a place and send you an invoice. 

The cost of the 3 meetings, one per term, remains £160 in total.


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