UN CC Accreditation - put your school on the map

cover photo, Image may contain: textThere seems to be a growing consensus now about the importance of teaching climate change in schools.
And from my personal perspective, and Steve Brace of the RGS agrees, it's perhaps the geographers who are best placed to do that within the curriculum.

However, all curriculum subjects could bring their own perspectives to the issue: the scientists exploring the atmosphere, mathematicians exploring the data behind changing temperatures, the English teachers studying appropriate books, and Historians exploring the Little Ice Age and the widespread impacts of previous changes in climate over a short time period.

You may also have other ideas of how your subject can support the teaching of climate change.

Are you on the map of climate change teachers yet?

It may be that the summer is the perfect time to go through the accreditation, or perhaps you prefer to wait until the new school year?
The accreditation involves a range of quizzes, following working through a series of modules on climate change topics. I've blogged about the process previously.

The deadline to be part of phase 1 of the project is the end of September.
Don't delay...
Because climate change won't wait either.

I mentioned Greta Thunberg earlier and the author Melissa Harrison has been co-ordinating a crowdfunding project to get more copies of the book into schools. This has been very successful, and the amount raised is increasing.

If you would like to get some copies of the book for your own school, particularly if your budget would otherwise make it difficult for you to do this, then you need to request some copies.


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