Childhood's end...

In the Lands of the North, where the black rocks stand guard against the cold sea, in the dark night that is very long, the men of the Northlands sit by their great log fires and they tell a tale...
Another part of my childhood disappeared today with the sad death of Peter Firmin. His collaborator Oliver Postgate died back in 2008. They produced some of the most authentic and memorable TV for young people ever made: Ivor the Engine, Bagpuss, Pogle's Wood, Noggin the Nog and the Clangers amongst them.

Back to 1959...

One of my first ever forays into websites, in 1999ish was a Tripod page I made called 'Noggin the Nog's guide to Glaciation' which was quite short-lived.
My wife went to art school with Peter's daughter Emily... the Emily from the opening scenes of 'Bagpuss'....
I may have to get out my Noggin the Nog DVD later... You can also hear some of the music from their shows on Spotify if you search for John Faulkner or Vernon Elliott...


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