Crunch time for Fenland Celery...

Four days a week in term time, I make my way across the Fens, crossing the border between Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. I've seen some amazing sunsets, towering thunderheads and thick fog so far, and there are many frosty mornings to come through the winter ahead...
One of the areas I pass: around Southery, is particularly associated with the cultivation of Fenland Celery.
Yesterday, on World Food Day, I heard on the radio that this food crop has now gained Protected Geographical Indicator status with the EU.

I have blogged about this several times before.

We are now in Fenland Celery season, and it's a pity that in several of the supermarkets that I checked they didn't have any in stock... Will try a few shops in Ely tomorrow...

This Government page listing the products needs updating too...


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