Brown signs...

There are apparently 93 different brown signs as shown on maps and roadsigns. They denote locations which are of tourist interest. I know this because I've been following the Brown Sign Way...

AMANDA HONE's BROWN SIGN BLOG is going to document visits to as many Brown sign locations as possible.

Why not explore the BROWN SIGNS in your local area - once you start noticing them, you'll find them everywhere (although I might have an advantage living in a tourist area of Norfolk...)

In the village where I used to live there was an interesting labelling. The brown sign used the generic "FARM PARK" to point to the attraction, which was actually called "PARK FARM": some locals assumed the sign had been made with the words the wrong way round...

One of my nearest brown signs.... picture by Alan Parkinson

Follow Amanda's progress on TWITTER and check out the blog.

Brown signs are very much part of the cultural landscape of the UK... They point the way to the everyday and the esoteric: the flower gardens, lighthouses and tea rooms of Britain...
Follow a brown sign today !


Ryan said…
Shoot! I was recently in Namibia and the major of their signs were brown. Despite a background in transportation, regrettably I didnt take any pictures :(
Ryan said…
Shoot! I was recently in Namibia and the major of their signs were brown. Despite a background in transportation, regrettably I didnt take any pictures :(

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