The World Cup kicks off in a few days time...
Don't forget the wonderful World Cup resources at the GA website... (already had around 2000 views apparently...)
The flags are coming out. Saw a customised car at the weekend with vinyl red cross, and red crosses on the wheels...
Had an idea for an investigative project using web searches and other information to build up a picture of the locations where there are groups of people who have a connection with each of the countries that have qualified for the finals.
For example, students will perhaps have heard of Chinatown in London (and Manchester, and indeed several other towns and cities....)
But what about the Little Italies, or South Korean communities ??
My nearest town (just about) is Swaffham in Norfolk. It has a large Portuguese community, and in the last few years, this has grown substantially.
So, there will be a lot of supporters of Portugal gathering in the building in Swaffham pictured at the top of the post (it has a satellite dish so they should be OK...)
Students could be asked to identify these potential little corners of England that will turn blue and yellow, or red and green for the next month...
Create an alternative map of the UK, with flags to represent local concentrations of different nationalities and cultures...
Extra points for finding places that are local... if in doubt, head for London, where most of the world's nations can be found, as seen on the WORLD IN ONE CITY blog.
Also check the locations where Brits can be found...
The excellent BBC BRITS ABROAD section has a range of excellent maps and statistics.
Almost one in ten British people live permanently abroad...
I will develop this idea further in a few days time...