Part 1 of the outcomes from Flood Management 09 at the Barbican earlier this week...
Many of the speakers referred to the latest climate projections which had been released on the DEFRA website earlier that week, and had been reported in many of newspapers.
Hilary Benn introduces the projections as being very 'sobering'.
5 things that need doing:
1. to protect people from the immediate risks
2. to plan (e.g. motorway drainage, emergency plans) for the future - the adaptation report is currently being consulted on until September (one for 6th formers perhaps to get involved with
3. to work internationally on a climate agreement
Also refers to importance of Copenhagen 2009 - the website is well worth visiting - has plenty of useful resources for teachers and students

4. to play our part - reduction targets need to be met - working towards a LOW CARBON UK
5. supporting individuals e.g. through the Act on CO2 campaign.
The models can be seen by following the links from DEFRA site above.
A Met Office introduction to the projections here:
Delve into the projections page to find all sorts of maps, graphics and information on the likely changes between now and 2080 on a range of climate indicators.
Explore these with students...
Also head over to the UNEP Seal the Deal site.