British Bulldogs ???

When I was at Primary School in the late 1960s/early 1970s (check out those kipper ties, flares and sideburns on the old school photos - and that was just the female staff...) we had a playground with a high brick wall, which was fine for playing "Spot" - whatever happened to Spot ? Can you get it for the DS ??
And also there was British Bulldogs...
Unfortunately, they're now all banned...

British Bulldogs is also a phrase often used to refer to people who are patriotic...
The British Bulldog is a symbol of England...

The British are "the bulldog breed"

More recently, issues of national identity have come to the fore with discussions on the newly multicultural / pluralist nature of the UK.

BBC BREAKFAST had a feature on national identity in 2004, and some interesting contents are still available.

Check the excellent BBC BORN ABROAD minisite: 7.5% of people living in the UK were born abroad. Translate that to the population of your school....
This rises to ONE IN THREE IN LONDON....

That then reminded me of the WORLD IN A CITY blog and article in the Guardian, which has a great interactive map and stuff...

How about an activity where you start with people and ask the question: "Born in the UK or not ?"

Here's a sample:


DIDIER DROGBA (specially for Miss Muncaster)

er... some more to come... Any suggestions for ones that students will recognise ?

Also came across this DAILY MAIL article on Rural UK, and Service Deserts and Yorkshire vineyards...


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