There are a few quotes that are associated with Norfolk , the county where I have now lived for more than half my life, and one of them is from a character called Amanda in the Noel Coward play 'Private Lives' from 1930, who says it is "very flat". Anyone who has cycled through Norfolk can testify that it is far from flat. Back in 2011, I was the President of the Norfolk Geographical Association , and for my presidential talk (which was also used for after dinner speeches) I created a talk exploring the sense of place that Norfolk has and explored what it means to different people. Very flat, Norfolk from GeoBlogs Interestingly, the Royal Geographical Society's Discovering Britain project (which has created walks with accompanying information for many locations around the country) have a walk based around Sheringham which takes that very name: Very flat, Norfolk. The walk was written by Daniel Evans , a Gap Year scholar of the Royal Geographic...
Cultural Geography and Geography in the Media. For students and teachers of Geography.