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Showing posts from October, 2013

Tivy Education Medal

The Tivy medal is not awarded every year, and is awarded for outstanding contributions to Geography and education. Previous winners that I could find were: 2008 - Jim Carson 2009 - Erica Caldwell 2010 - Anita Ganeri 2011 - Scottish Association of Geography Teachers At the recent Scottish Association of Geography Teachers' Conference, Mike Robinson - the Chief Executive of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society read out a citation describing the person judged to have been worthy of being presented with the medal this year, and it turns out it was me! It was presented by Professor Iain Stewart, who is the President of the Society. Along with the medal, there was a very nice certificate of honorary fellowship. What was equally important to me was to read and hear the comments of others who were there, who appreciated the work that I've created, and shared over the years....

Follow the (spooky) things...

Right now, supermarkets around the country are filling with Hallowe'en tat.... Here's some we bought earlier. Sorry about the injury to the skeleton but I dropped a can of beans on its head... The Follow the Things website has all gone spooky, and is offering to tell the 'tales from beyond the halloween decorations'.... Get your trick or treat bag now... I'm going to be blogging in November for the Follow the Things blog. Check out the CLASSROOM resources which I spent a lot of the summer creating along with Prof Ian Cook.

Crunch time for Fenland Celery...

Four days a week in term time, I make my way across the Fens , crossing the border between Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. I've seen some amazing sunsets, towering thunderheads and thick fog so far, and there are many frosty mornings to come through the winter ahead... One of the areas I pass: around Southery , is particularly associated with the cultivation of Fenland Celery. Yesterday, on World Food Day , I heard on the radio that this food crop has now gained Protected Geographical Indicator status with the EU. I have blogged about this several times before. We are now in Fenland Celery season, and it's a pity that in several of the supermarkets that I checked they didn't have any in stock... Will try a few shops in Ely tomorrow... This Government page listing the products needs updating too...

Teachmeet Cambridge

I'm unfortunately going to be unable to make this as planned, but if you're around next Thursday, the 17th of October, head over to Neale Wade Academy for the Teachmeet. Now that I'm teaching, I feel qualified to contribute again :) The focus is on risky pedagogies , and I have a session linked to our work on the Mission:Explore books and curriculum making... it does last about 20 minutes though ;) Sign up HERE....