I will be running my first VITAL Teachshare TONIGHT It's on ' FREE GIS TOOLS for the Geography Classroom ' and introduces the basics of GIS followed by 3 suggested websites which can be used to produce GIS-style work with students. If you'd like to join me, you'll need to click this link just before 7pm This will load up Elluminate on your machine which may take a few minutes.... For those who haven't been to an online session before, you'll be able to hear and see me going through a presentation and then have a chance to discuss things. You can ask question and I might ask you to click some icons to participate... You'll get the hang of it... We should be finished by 7.45, but you can of course feel free to join later and leave earlier if you like: that's the 'benefit' of online sessions like this. Slides and links will be on Slideshare after the event. If you haven't already done so, head over to VITAL and sign up for a ...
Cultural Geography and Geography in the Media. For students and teachers of Geography.