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Showing posts from August, 2024

The GA and the new Curriculum and Assessment Review

The GA and the RGS will both be 'in the room' when the curriculum review discussions related to geography take place. The GA is collecting responses from teachers, who may not be in the room, but will be impacted by the decisions made by the review group.  The RGS is going to be doing something similar as the picture on the consultation becomes a little clearer. The Geographical Association wants to hear your views on the geography National Curriculum and GCSE and A level content and assessment. Steve Brace, GA Chief Executive, says  ‘We want as many teachers as possible to share your views about which aspects of the current geography curriculum, its GCSEs and A levels are working well – and where you’d like to see changes’. Click this link to go the form where you can enter your thoughts. Fill in the form by the 20th of September.

GCSE Results day - some thoughts

  I was asked to provide some feedback on the GCSE results which came out today on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society. This became a press release from the RGS , which was also responding to a new survey on the way that climate change is taught. The Guardian also picked it up for their GCSE blog which was live for the morning as students received their results. Scroll down to 11.13 to read my comments.

Oak Primary Geography project

  By the start of September 2025 and the new academic year, a full suite of resources will be available for Primary Geography on the Oak National website.   These will all be free to download. There are 6 units for each of years 1-6. 36 units all fully resourced with slide decks, worksheets, quizzes and videos. All units have been approved by Oak and will be appearing on the website in the next month. They have been developed from an original model produced by Paula Owens and Julia Tanner by a team of writers and reviewers and a production team at the Geographical Association. I am very pleased to have been part of the Oak Primary team. I wrote one unit, and helped shape a number of others through working as a reviewer. Some of my images were also used in units. Curriculum Explainer Our curriculum nurtures pupils’ personal and everyday geographies, sparking their curiosity about the world, and guiding them to explore places and processes beyond their existing knowledge. ...