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Showing posts from January, 2023

No place to be

  This is the title of an exhibition that I went to see at Cley NWT reserve  on the Norfolk coast this weekend. The focus is on the threats facing the UK's bird life. I visited just a few hours after carrying out the RSPB's Garden Birdwatch. The art was created by Jayne Ivimey. From her website: 70 birds are now on the Red List in the UK and this is continuing to rise. This very real danger to the diversity of our environment has inspired artist, Jayne Ivimey into action. Over the last five years she has curated an exhibition that immortalises the British birds that need help. Formed in clay, the models contrast the agile elegance of birds in flight with the fixed nature of the material they are made with – an inspiring call to consider the ways we can all help save 29% of UK birds from extinction The ceramic birds and associated art, sketchbooks, assemblages and visuals are all excellent. It's on for a short while more if you're in the area. Image: Alan Parkinson

1953 East Coast Floods resource

  This got slightly delayed by other factors, but is now available ahead of next week's anniversary and commemorations which will take place along the coasts which were affected. I know there is a service and exhibition in both Snettisham and Hunstanton and aim to visit them this weekend, and then locations further round to the south of Norfolk and the Broads. The Environment Agency - one of the GA's strategic partners -  published a useful image of the flood defences as they were back in 1953 on a Pinterest board and it is shown below. Download the resource below: 1953 Flooding - 70th Anniversary from GeoBlogs More to come on this over the next few days. Look back at the posts from Southwold at the start of January as well for more related content to the floods, or search this blog using the search box top left. There is also an associated Pinterest board. I shall be out and about along the coast this coming weekend in a number of locations and will share some picture...

New LGBT+ Census 2021 data released

Cross posting from LivingGeography blog. The BBC article here talks about the new Census data which was released this week. Many people have been waiting for this release as it is the first time that particular questions were added to the official Census form and therefore data was collected at a national level. I mentioned this in a previous post, which considered whether it was time to reevaluate the traditional population pyramid with its gender binary structure. The article provides a useful summary of related terms. See below: LGBT+ is an "inclusive" way to represent all the different identities in the longer acronym but here's a breakdown of what each of the letters in LGBTQQIAAP mean. L - lesbian: a woman who is attracted to other women G - gay: a man who is attracted to other men or broadly people who identify as homosexual B - bisexual: a person who is attracted to both men and women T - transgender: a person whose gender identity is different from the sex the d...