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Showing posts from December, 2022

99% Invisible

  Another reminder of this podcast series. There are hundreds of episodes, many of which focus on the story of a particular object or a particular place. This episode starts with the story of Beechey Island, where the graves of some of the sailors from Sir John Franklin's lost expedition were found. My friend Val has been fortunate enough to visit Beechey Island on a Hurtigruten voyage - what an amazing privilege. Plenty here for units on the geographies of stuff....

We are England - Showmen

  Early on in my teaching career in King's Lynn , I taught quite a few of the families who were involved in the fairground business: showmen (and women) who ran fairground rides and the related stalls, as did my wife, who was also involved in traveller education for a while. The first show in the year is the 'Mart', which takes place in King's Lynn around Valentine's Day, and has been held for over 800 years! It takes over the Tuesday Market Place, and attracts thousands of visitors. Here's a drone film flyover of the Mart from a few years ago. One of the families I taught back then was the Appletons, and a week or so ago there was an interesting programme on this family and the patriarch 'Nipper' Appleton. Fairs like this are very much part of British culture.  As a child in Rotherham we had the 'Statis' fair (probably from Statutes) which was held in the Autumn out near the old Millmoor ground. When I later lived in Hull while completing my tea...

Census 2021 - How well do you know your area?

These quizzes were previously available for the 2011 Census, and are now back with data from the 2021 Census. ✨IT'S QUIZ TIME!✨ So, you think you know your local area? Now you can test your knowledge in the new #CensusQuiz and broadcast your scores on to your friends and followers on social media! — Ahmad Barclay (@bothness) December 2, 2022 The quizzes can be embedded, which makes them particularly useful for teachers who can add them to VLE pages etc.