Once again, we are not able to be in person at a GA Conference, so aspects of the conference cannot be done face to face. There are many highlights of any GA conference, and the Teachmeet has become established as one of them: taking place at the end of the first full day and a chance to extend the day and have a beer with friends while listening to ten or more colleagues sharing ideas from their classrooms. You can sign up to either present or lurk here. To get a flavour for the atmosphere at a Teachmeet, you can still watch 2019's version here. Thanks to Rich Allaway of Geography all the Way for live streaming the event. This year, we are particularly interested in new and diverse voices and storytellers, who have never presented before and are ready to step up and share an idea. There should also be a link to the conference theme of Compassionate Geographies.
Cultural Geography and Geography in the Media. For students and teachers of Geography.