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Showing posts from July, 2019

Research informed work on Climate Change - thanks to Saffron O' Neill

You'll have noticed a Climate Change trend appearing in recent posts on the blog perhaps, following my starting work as a UN Accredited Climate Change teacher which has meant a lot of behind the scenes work to develop some new support options which will be made available to all schools in time. This is a critical time for influencing public behaviours, and ensuring that students are aware of the realities of Climate Change, which is going to change the world they live in, and require certain changes in their lifestyle, purchasing, transport options and potentially far greater changes. I've been following up various leads to new Climate Change resources, which are different to the norm. Saffron O' Neill replied to one of my requests for help with some research she is doing on how  people view Climate Change, and how it is represented in the media. She developed some work about how people respond to climate change. The tweet I saw was this one... Paper just accep...

Riceboy Sleeps

Last Monday, I kickstarted my summer holiday with a trip to the Barbican to see the UK premiere of Riceboy Sleeps. A week or so earlier, the performance had been given its World Premiere at the Sydney Opera House. Watch a few of the tracks here... This was so beautiful.

Support Scott Warren

I blogged a few days ago about the organisation No More Deaths , which gives humanitarian aid to those attempting to cross the desert into the USA and leaves water for them to save lives. Geography Professor Scott Warren was working with the association when he was arrested, and faces trial. He faces ten years in jail. Amnesty International has set up a link where you can provide information and edit / send an e-mail to help campaign for Scott's release. Support a fellow Geography teacher, and the work of this organisation.

Dan Raven Ellison - "talking walking"

Dan Raven Ellison interviewed as part of a podcast series. Delighted to announce our latest Talking Walking interviewee: Dan Raven-Ellison talking walking — Museum of Walking (@museumofwalking) July 18, 2019 It goes back to Mission:Explore and the Geography Collective and our work raising the public consciousness of geography. The podcast can be downloaded, as well as some notes , and Dan referencing the late Duncan Fuller and Doreen Massey, who we worked with, and the MisGuides. A good listen for the journey to work perhaps...

Climate Change and Landscape change

Another Climate Change related post. Permafrost is thawing around the Arctic. This interactive website explores the impact of this on the landscape, and on the people who live within it. Excellent work by the Toronto Star. It includes a quote by Sheila Watt-Cloutier, an Inuit environmental, cultural and human rights advocate and author of the book ' The Right to be Cold ', which I have a copy of, and is excellent. "Our identity is strongly linked to the ice, cold and snow. Our right to hunt, our right to health, our right to educate our children, our right to safety and security … in fact, all of our human rights as Indigenous peoples would be minimised and destroyed by climate change.” Here's Sheila talking about this aspect of Inuit life.