When I first started teaching back in the 1980s (I know), a key case study for environmental change, and also the management of water resources, was the decline in the Aral Sea . I had an old VHS tape which followed the tale of the sea's shrinking, with details of the canning factories which were closed, and the ships which were left stranded in the desert that consumed the area. Nick Middleton later visited during his ' Going to Extremes' series, which we also used to show (and there is a matching book also) He visits Voz Island, which is contaminated due to its location where salt has been exposed at the surface as the sea evaporated.... A Global Oneness project resource explores the latest ideas relating to the Aral Sea too, and there are some useful resources here. Images by Taylor Weidman are used in this resource. The tourism aspects of the Aral Sea were picked up in a recent Guardian article too , which shows the possible rehabilitation of this environment...
Cultural Geography and Geography in the Media. For students and teachers of Geography.