Although I'd never been to Newcastle when I was in my teens, I knew about it, and the areas that had been cleared for new development, and the working class life which was giving way to those who were 'improving their lives', the growth in home ownership, urban redevelopment and other issues. This was via the lives of Bob and Terry, and Bob's fiancee Thelma, and Bob's sister Audrey. I 'knew' about Newcastle via 'Whatever happened to the Likely Lads'... These are some of the most memorable characters and episodes of TV comedy that have been broadcast. Remember Bob and Terry trying to avoid Brian Glover telling them the result of the England match, the Fancy Dress party and Bob in the dock for fighting. Sad news from a few days ago with the death of Rodney Bewes.
Cultural Geography and Geography in the Media. For students and teachers of Geography.