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Showing posts from October, 2016

New GA CPD course - updated for March 2017

Updated with a new date For a period between 2007 and 2013, I ran regular courses for the Geographical Association , including the Living Geography courses, NQT Conferences , GIS courses with ESRI, New Fieldwork courses and plenty of others. In that time, I worked with hundreds of teachers, and learned a lot about my own practice. When I returned to teaching full time in 2013, I didn't have time to do them, and stopped, and a 'new' generation of presenters has taken over including Catherine Owen, Ben Ballin, Garry Simmons and Becky Kitchen. Now, I'm back leading an event for the GA, with a new course, which has the added advantage of being 'my old favourite price': FREE. So you can come along for an afternoon discussing technology and global learning, and networking with other colleagues, and leaving with some new ideas for you I hope. Now rescheduled for March 2017 It's being put on in Bury St. Edmunds, so it's a handy location for those in S...

Are you a citizen of the world?

Behind the desk in my classroom is one of Richard Allaway 's display posters, with quotes linked to geography. There are several sets of them, and they are recommended for your classroom. They can be downloaded from here. It's the one opposite, featuring Socrates. In a recent speech at the Conservative Party Conference, Theresa May said "...if you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere. You don't understand what citizenship means." Theresa May studied Geography at one of the world's great universities ( rate d number 1 in the world in fact at the moment) and one would expect that she might have come across the idea of scale , and that it is possible to hav e a connection with a place in numerous ways simultaneously, and that all p laces are essentially tran sitory and in constant motion in any case, whether that be by cul tural shift, or the slow crawl of the tect on ic plates on which they sit . We are all citizens of ...