Over ten years ago, while working as a Head of Geography at a school in King's Lynn , I came across the Ning platform, short for Networking. It offered a free (at the time) platform which had the features of all sorts of other sites in one: - bulletin board for discussions - chat room - hosting of image galleries - hosting of videos, with embed codes - numerous groups with membership - profile pages Documents could be attached to discussions and this allowed for a community to develop, which could chat, share ideas and join groups around sub-themes. I built a Ning to support 6th form students and it worked well - in fact I did my first teachmeet presentation back in 2008 on Nings. In June 2007 , faced with the changes that were coming at 'A' level, we opted for Edexcel as the most forward thinking of the new specifications . They were introducing new ideas for the time, including ideas such as Rebranding Places, and a unit on Cultural Geography. We were teach...