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Showing posts from February, 2015


Alan Garner lecture

Would love to have gone to this event, and found out about it in plenty of time to get a ticket. Too far and the wrong timing though. A real literary hero of mine.

Conference in Toulouse

A few days ago, I picked up the news of a conference being organised by Russel Tarr at the International School of Toulouse. I was due to go to the previous event in 2012 that Russel organised, but it clashed with something I was already committed to. This time round, that's not a problem The focus is on pedagogy, and there's a keynote from Ewan McIntosh. Good to see my name in the programme (though that's subject to getting permission to go from school as it's during term time) It's a combination of Mission:Explore and GeoCapabilities.... Looking forward to the possibility of visiting Toulouse. Delighted to announce that @GeoBlogs will deliver a workshop at #PracPed15 ! #geographyteacher — Russel Tarr (@russeltarr) February 19, 2015

Earth Primer: now available on the App store...

A month or so ago, I picked up on an app that was getting ready for adding to the App store. I contacted Chaim Gingold , who worked on the game called SPORE some years ago, and found out more about it, and started to get excited about the potential for teaching the ideas that underpin geomorphology to a lower school audience, and those who may just be interested in finding out more about how the Earth works. The app is now live on the App store at a cost of £7.99 , and is called Earth Primer. Take a look here. It allows the user to explore the world in an exciting way and explore how processes that shape the earth work. There are several sections which are possible to work through and these include a look beneath the surface of the Earth as well as the range of processes which change the surface. Work through the book to unlock tools which can then be used in the Sandbox section of the app. I'm working on some education materials for the app, which will be availabl...