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Showing posts from July, 2014

One for Mike Oldfield fans...

Enjoying this new Robert Reed album...

Global village Scheme of Work

I've been working on an online course that is going to be hosted on the Geographical Association 's website. It will be arriving on the website for the Autumn term, as Curriculum 2014 gets underway, and is going to be suitable for KS3 Geography. It is linked to the GA's involvement as a major partner in the Global Learning Programme. A number of courses and conferences have taken place this year as part of the Global Learning Programme's first year, although not as many as expected. I attended an event for Primary colleagues at the Oval earlier this month. My course explores some ideas for using web tools to develop global stories. One element of the course is a draft outline scheme of work. This draft outline for a Global Learning scheme of work , which will be fleshed out over the next few months, has been put onto Google Drive , so that it is collaborative in nature. If you'd like to get involved in the development of the scheme, please get in touch. I...