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Showing posts from September, 2012

Catlin Seafloor Survey

This news article explains the background to a project which I've been slightly involved in on the sidelines for a while now, and am just finishing off the 2nd of a series of resource contributions to what will become a major resource for geography and science teachers. While waiting for a connecting flight in Dusseldorf airport, this was a major feature on the German news, so it's been getting good coverage. To watch more, take a view at this remarkable video: The project is in association with Jamie Buchanan Dunlop and the team at Digital Explorer , who have worked with Catlin: the insurance company which is funding this project previously (as did I) on the Frozen Oceans resource pack. Catlin Seafloor Survey is underway and the first of tens of thousands of images have now been released. Some remarkable pictures from the tool are available here... The Great Barrier Reef is one of the World's great places, and a World Heritage Site. Perhaps with these ...

Learning outside the Classroom

We are delighted to announce that the Geography Collective has been shortlisted for a Learning outside the Classroom award. We would be even more delighted if you would consider voting for us, especially if you have been enthused by our Mission:Explore books, app or website, or perhaps been visited by us, seen us at Glastonbury, Latitude or the Hay Festival, ridden on buses in Suffolk, cycled along Sustrans routes in many cities, explored the Great Glen with Discover Explore or in some other geographical context... We're going to be on the road in the next few months, and also will be running our Geography Camp in December , of which more later... Please click the link and give us your vote . Thanks :)

New Aimee Mann

Consistently good since 'Whatever' back in 1993 - wow, nearly twenty years ago... One of best gigs I've been to for its simplicity was Aimee at the Duchess of York in Leeds in 1994...

ICT toolkit books...

Preparing some resources for the course on Geomedia in Salzburg that I am leading next week. You still have chance to get funding to join me for a repeat of the course in February 2013 , and the course is likely to run several times during 2013 - I'd love to see lots of you there... you can get your fees, accommodation and travel paid for. I'm going to be using several activities from two books which I edited, and were published in April this year. You really need to have a copy of these books in your departmental library. They have been selling well, and getting good feedback from users. You can order them from the GA shop - click to follow the link, and remember that GA members get a discount on purchases, and free P&P Multimedia made Easy by Paul Cornish GIS made Easy by Bob Lang

Guerrilla Geography Day

7th November is Guerrilla Geography Day. You are invited to join in with a global geography project. The project website is launching soon. If you'd like to be involved go HERE and sign up with your details and we'll let you know when the main website goes live. At the same website you'll also find information about our GEOGRAPHY CAMP in December.

One year down

A year ago, I was just coming to terms with the (premature) end of my job at the Geographical Association after three wonderful years, and decided to try things out as a freelance geographer: author, consultant, trainer and whatever else people would pay me to do. Here's a visual summary of what I've been up to, made with Tagxedo As it happens, my extensive networking over the previous decade meant that I had a few projects to start in on, the Geography Collective was going from strength to strength, and I was fortunate to get a temporary contract managing the OU's VITAL CPD portal. Paula Owens involved me in a writing job for the BBC, and together we produced a major resource for the Digimap for Schools for EDINA. Thanks also to Richard Allaway, who asked me to write content for his Geography all the Way website and collaborate on an innovative series of eBooks, the first of which is now available to download from the iBookstore. The writing work I did for the RG...