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Showing posts from August, 2012

New on iBook Store: Allaway and Parkinson

For the last few months, Richard Allaway and I have been working away on plans for a series of eBooks for IB Geography. We have been getting to grips with the iBook Author tool on the Mac, and have produced the first of what will be a series of books for the International Baccalaureate Geography course. We told you about it earlier in the week, and there's been a lot of interest in the book so far. Download it from the iBookstore Image: Richard Allaway and I in the Swiss Alps, above Chamonix.


I've used Spotify for some years now as my music streaming service, and have only bought a handful of CDs since - all of them artists whose albums are not on Spotify, or who I particularly wanted to hear in the car or on my Bose... Some of the big gaps in Spotify include artists such as Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. That ages me.. A big gap disappeared recently with the arrival of Frank Zappa 's back catalogue, as I discovered earlier today... Have been revisiting some jagged guitar solos and scatalogical classics....

New GA CPD courses for 2012-13

The latest GA courses for the new academic year have now been published and are on the GA WEBSITE. The courses in red are the ones I am leading. Look forward to seeing some of you there... You can download further information and a course flyer from the links. Feel free to use these with colleagues. Leading urban fieldwork For primary teachers and geography subject leaders London - Tuesday 16 October 2012 Manchester - Monday 22 October 2012 Further information and online booking Download course flyer Price:  From £150 Primary geography for the non-specialist For non-specialist primary teachers, including those who may be taking on the subject responsibility within their school Birmingham - Wednesday 17 October 2012 London - Wednesday 7 November 2012 Further information and online booking Download course flyer Price:  From £150 Leading a successful geography department For current and aspiring secondary geography subject leaders Birmingham...

Little Printer...

I signed up for updates about this little device when I first heard about it... A mini-printer with a very cool design which produces a customised newspaper from feeds that you set up. At £199 it's outside my budget but if anyone from @BERGCloud is reading I'm happy to trial one and write about its potential for the UK educational market....

Where's Alan ?

Most popular baby names 2011 according to the ONS Image copyright: ONS Reflecting cultural changes and popular celebrities ?

Matt 2012

Thanks David Rogers for posting the link to the latest 2012 update of the classic Dancing Matt videos... Watch below and then take a look at the associated journal and maps... Coreogeography....

Coming on September 1st...

The excitement is building...