There was some exciting news earlier this week ! Hans Rosling is the Director of the Gapminder Foundation , and produced one of the most exciting tools for geographers in recent times: GAPMINDER (now in a desktop version too) Thanks in part to some work by our colleague Bob Lang earlier in the year, it is now confirmed that Hans will be doing the keynote lecture at the Geographical Association's conference at the University of Surrey in Guildford in April 2011. One for your diaries: for the chance to see Hans in action - get a flavour of his presentations by watching this TED TALK . Online booking for the conference is now available! GA members get substantial discounts! Full time and PGCE students get FREE registration! Delegate fees have been frozen to 2009 levels ! Follow the GA on Twitter (@The_GA) with the hashtag: #gaconf11 This year, the conference will also be raising money for ACTION AID : the President's chosen charity.
Cultural Geography and Geography in the Media. For students and teachers of Geography.