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Showing posts from May, 2010

Norfolk's Fine Food

Over to the nearest town today to get a copy of something which featured in the latest FACE newsletter. It's a game made by Orchard Toys , who produce brightly coloured board games which my children have really enjoyed playing. This particular game was created by a group of Primary school students from Norfolk, in association with the company. The game has a series of (geographical) aims relating to the production of local foods. A useful extension of the old "design a board game" idea...

World Cup and Englishness...

Thanks to my colleague Paula Owens for telling me about this World Cup charity record. What is striking about this is the emphasis on the multicultural nature of the country, something that was picked up on Radio 4 earlier today when Michael Caine was interviewed. The occasion was the opening of a new exhibition in the Museum of London, which featured Michael as an 'iconic Londoner' and he described the importance of everyone living in the city seeing themselves as "a Londoner", rather than choosing a label which identified them as being somehow separate from the community... Could you see yourself using this video in the classroom, and if so how ? What additional materials might be needed to turn this into a curriculum resource... Don't forget the GA's other WORLD CUP RESOURCES

City of Staples

A nice art piece Made from thousands of staples ... A very different "urban environment"... thanks to the Daily Mail once again... The city was named Ephemicropolis Watch the VIMEO VID below of the city being made... The making of Ephemicropolis from Peter Root on Vimeo . 100,000 staples arranged over 40 hours. To see photographs go to

Uneven Geographies

This is coming up in Nottingham UNEVEN GEOGRAPHIES is an art exhibition on the theme of globalisation and related issues. Will be going over sometime in June to take a look and possibly meet up with some geography 'chums' there.... Don't forget the MAGNIFICENT MAPS at the British Library as well - that's definitely down for some time in June...