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Showing posts from November, 2008

Christmas is coming...

Yeterday at the Suffolk conference, talked about the use of CHRISTMAS as a context for some geography work. In terms of I recognise that not all faiths are represented in a unit like this: "winterval" anyone ? Mark Cowan has kindly made available another one of his poems. Christmas View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: poem christmas ) Looking back over previous work, there are some links on my GEOGRAPHYPAGES website, including an old BLOG POST . I also had quite a Christmas theme to my PEOPLE AS CONSUMERS unit on my PILOT GCSE blog: here are all the POSTS LABELLED CHRISTMAS. What else is there ? Emma Johns produced some work on using the huge AMAZON distribution warehouse near Milton Keynes as a context. Location of these warehouses is crucial. Good use of GIS as well in terms of routing of lorries for deliveries, and co-ordination of distribution network. I pass the Wilkinsons and There's a big John Lewis warehouse on the way up to Hull as well...


Took this image earlier this year. Who is next ? I used to go to Rotherham Woolies to buy my LPs when I was a young teenager... Also the Pick and Mix... (although Rotherham market had cheaper white chocolate discs with hundreds and thousands stuck on them...) My son was not happy "what do you mean Woolworth's is going to close ?"....

I BETT this will be good...

A nicely written piece in yesterday's Education Guardian: the annual supplement for the BETT show. I've written the Geography preview for the show for the last 3 years. The image of the Nintendo DS with Sim City being played is mine too. The ONLINE VERSION is now available. Check out the rest of the BETT Preview too. I'll be at Teachmeet and will be manning the GEOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION 's STAND in the SUBJECT ASSOCIATION area on Saturday the 17th of January.

A new friend...

Forgot to mention that on Thursday I picked up a new friend. Look at that intrepid hairy explorer.... and Barnaby...

Interdependence Day Seminar

Sheffield University Geography Department - 18th November - 4.15pm Thanks to Dr. Tariq Jazeel for inviting me to yesterday's seminar by Dr. Renata Tyszczuk from the Architecture department of the University of Sheffield on the Interdependence Day project , which looks at the nature of global environmental change, as we enter the era that has come to be known as the Anthropocene : one of human landscape- alteration and environmental instability. It explored interdependence as framework for discussion on human alteration of the world. It also featured the Mappae Mundi project This project is currently being developed with partners at the Open University and is a cross-disciplinary venture between Geography and Architecture, between `writing the earth´ and `making place´. Its ambition is to `put stories back into maps´. Renata talked about 2 events at the Royal Geographical Society, and the publication “Do good lives have to cost the earth ? Also passed out some broadsheets from th...

David Lambert Lecture

David Lambert, Chief Executive of the GA is delivering a lecture at Sheffield University tomorrow tonight. It's part of the Centenary Lecture Series. Department of Geography Centenary Lecture Geography in schools: misheard or misplaced? Professor David Lambert (Chief Executive of the Geographical Association) 5:30 pm Richard Roberts Auditorium I shall be in the audience, and will be doing some live blogging and also posting updates to my TWITTER FEED . If you want to JOIN IN, then JOIN TWITTER if you haven't already and CLICK TO FOLLOW ME on TWITTER . Will also add BLOG POSTS HERE, and depending on my internet connection (which should be OK in central Sheffield) will also upload some PICTURES.... Coming up on the 8th of December is another rather fine lecture which I shall also attend: Department of Geography Centenary Lecture Beyond critical - some spaces of optimism in a globalised world Professor Doreen Massey (Open University) 5:30 pm Students' Union Auditorium

Urban Earth: Bristol

Dan Raven Ellison and his fellow walkers, are preparing for this Saturday's walk across BRISTOL. Check out the URBAN EARTH NING for more details - it's not too late to sign up. Don't forget that there will also be a walk as part of next April's GA Conference.

Last night's cultural highlight

Quick image by Flickr user slint4587 taken at Wolves Civic Hall last night. Superb concert... Tired now...

Just ordered this....

UPDATE: Arrived, and am half way through it. Engaging and entertaining.


One of the blogs I get quite a few referrals from is the SPACEHOPE blog , which seems to be about similar themes, judging by the pictures. Thanks for the interest in Cultcha !

Hastings Images

Just catching up on what's been happening while I've been away for a few days... Lots as it happens. Here are some images from my trip to Hastings. Plenty more on my FLICKR page.