Yeterday at the Suffolk conference, talked about the use of CHRISTMAS as a context for some geography work. In terms of I recognise that not all faiths are represented in a unit like this: "winterval" anyone ? Mark Cowan has kindly made available another one of his poems. Christmas View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: poem christmas ) Looking back over previous work, there are some links on my GEOGRAPHYPAGES website, including an old BLOG POST . I also had quite a Christmas theme to my PEOPLE AS CONSUMERS unit on my PILOT GCSE blog: here are all the POSTS LABELLED CHRISTMAS. What else is there ? Emma Johns produced some work on using the huge AMAZON distribution warehouse near Milton Keynes as a context. Location of these warehouses is crucial. Good use of GIS as well in terms of routing of lorries for deliveries, and co-ordination of distribution network. I pass the Wilkinsons and There's a big John Lewis warehouse on the way up to Hull as well...
Cultural Geography and Geography in the Media. For students and teachers of Geography.