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Showing posts from October, 2007


Disney movies are one of the most familiar cultural references ever. People around the world recognise the characters and the music. Just back from Disneyland Paris , where I took hundreds of images of the place. Going to work this up into a Cultural Geographical unit at some point... In the meantime, "here are a few of my favourite things..." (I mean, images...)


Just back from a family trip to see latest Disney Pixar animation in local cinema. Superb film ! Get to see it - loved the first view of Paris across the rooftops....

The reality or the brand...

Got a postcard this week sent to me from someone who was in Bournemouth . Here it is: So what impressions of Bournemouth do you get from the card ? What sort of place is it ? What sort of attractions does it have ? Is it a lively go-ahead sort of place ? Would you want to go there ? Now think about fast food... Here is the brand... The Big Mac - pictures taken from THIS GREAT BLOG. and then here is the 'reality' : a Big Mac purchased from a McDonalds store and photographed. Check the website for even more examples... Of course, this is real food... (Pic by Flickr user BOJ photos...) Has to be haddock - never mind the pollocks...

Rush in Sheffield

Thanks to Flickr User Sixxsix for some prompt images of the Rush concert in Sheffield. What's great about sites such as these are the immediacy of the coverage, and the fact that I can now see what other people saw in other parts of the Arena. Still reflecting on what a superb concert this was... General view - I was down and to the left, right next to Alex... Alex and Neil. I think Peart's drumming that night was the best ever - powerful and faultless... Geddy with his lyric prompts and Taurus pedals...

Shopping and Rocking...

Image by Flickr user Gigglejuice Up to Sheffield at the weekend and popped into Meadowhall , which was hit by the great storms of June 25th 2007. The lower layers are still being renovated after the flood. The "Land of Shoppertunity". Popped into the Oasis for some rather nice Harry Ramsdens. Cheap 'Fragile Earth' book in Smiths, and a book "The Great Flood" by Martin Smith. Then it was to Hallam FM Arena to see Canadian band " Rush " on their Snakes and Arrows tour. The area around the Arena was also affected by the flooding. Superb concert. I had a great seat, good sound and great set list and effects - highpoints were 'Subdivisions', 'Natural Science', 'Dreamline', 'Hope', 'YYZ' and 'The Main Monkey Business'...

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Generator

Just used this to make a resource for teaching about statistical testing.... see if you can make the connection with ice cream.... BEN AND JERRY 's website has a lot of fun items on it... The ice cream is banana flavour, with butter rum swirls and gummi bears... and is NOT available in shops...


What musical culture do you engage with ? Last night, I went to The Junction in Cambridge to see a band that no-one I speak to has ever heard of, but who have provided me with years of entertainment. On the way, saw my first garage with diesel at 101.9p per litre... The band are called " The Decemberists ", and are from Oregon in the USA. There were quite a few people with digital cameras in the audience, and I figured that some of those might be Flickr users. Checked today, and discovered the photos of Flickr user Carbon Monoxide . Here are a couple of shots of what was a superb concert (apart from the usual people in the crowd who decide to have a shouted conversation rather than listen to the band...) - Colin Meloy, who was fantastic - great vocals and audience banter... Jenny Conlee - great organ playing and other instrumentation and was "well into it " Nate Query - bassist... Not pictured: Chris Funk and John Moen... The band are also MOBLOGGING their tou...