Instead of spending phone credit on voting for the X Factor favourites, I'd like you to consider whether you might want to support me for the role of GA President. This starts with an election for the Junior Vice President, which would be from 2019-20. This is followed by the position of Vice President from 2020-2021, President for 2021-2022, and Past President for 2022-2023. I was asked to submit a 200 word statement as part of the process, which will be placed on the GA website, and the voting will open early in the New Year and close towards the end of February. You have to be a GA member to have a vote. Here's my statement: I have been a GA member since PGCE days in 1986. In 2004, I joined the Secondary Committee and am currently Secretary. Between 2008 and 2011 I worked as the GA’s Secondary Curriculum leader: part of the team delivering the Action Plan for Geography. I have led many GA CPD events and talks at GA branches across the country . I wrote a signifi...